Five Minutes is a hybrid performance project which uses the decision my family had to make when confronted with a seismic and dangerous shift in their country as a jumping off point to explore how one faces pivotal and life-changing decisions. As a Chinese national, my grandparents had their whole world turned upside down when the CCP came to power. They suddenly had to decide whether to flee the country or stay and try to survive in a very new and dangerous political landscape. Through movement, sculpture, light and sound, my creative team and I are recreating the sprawling and chaotic thoughts of someone having to make such a life-altering choice so quickly. Though the work is grounded in my family's memories, Five Minutes explores the universality of high stakes decision making and asks how we grapple with such monumental choices in our lives.
Dec 8, 2022, 8:00 PM - Dec 9, 2022, 10:00 PM
24700 McBean Pkwy
Valencia, CA 91355
24700 McBean Pkwy
Valencia, CA 91355

Concept and Direction by Yolanda-Tianyi Shao Created with and Performed by Joe Zhang and Ryan Nebreja Dramaturgy/Sound Design: Drew Sensue-Weinstein Set Design: Chusu Kim and Taizun Partapurwala Lighting Design: Cad Apostol Costume Design: Yuwei Hu Projection Design: Sophie Niven Videography: Rachel Lambright Stage Management: Lanae Wilks